Allows the Human to speak.
The human waves it's "main" hand, in a welcoming manner.
The human dances one of the three dances: robot, sway and travolta.
The human dances the robot.
The human sways side to side.
The human mimics John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.
The human claps his/her hands together.
The human taps his/her foot on the ground.
The human places both hands on his/her hips.
The human scratches the top of his/her head.
The human punches the air in celebration.
The human brushes it's shoulder because he's/she's cool like that.
The human shrugs his/her shoulders. How rude.
The human plays the air guitar. Rock on!
The x value of the Human's position.
The y value of the Human's position.
The gender of the Human. 'male' or 'female'.
The side preference of the Human. 'left' or 'right'.
The universe in which the Human operates. Optional.
The name of the Human.
What the human is currently saying.
An object of various lower-priority settings.
The details of the various points on the Human's skeleton.
The default details of the various points on the Human's skeleton.
Returns a coordinate for the given point.
The current event listeners.
Array of what Human is doing.
Iterates through all Humans in universe, calling any eventListeners that meet the given requirements.
Adds the given details to human's current event listeners. Listeners listen to other humans in universe unless justMe is set to true (Default: false). Listeners will fire at start and finish of action, unless when is set to 'start' or 'finish' (Default: 'any').
Removes the given details from human's current event listeners. Listeners listen to other humans in universe.
Adds the given details to human's current event listeners. on Listeners listen to callee only. on Listeners will fire at start and finish of action.
Adds the given details to human's current event listeners. onStart Listeners listen to callee only. onStart Listeners will fire at start of action only.
Adds the given details to human's current event listeners. onFinish Listeners listen to callee only. onFinish Listeners will fire at end of action only.
Removes the given details from human's current event listeners. Listeners listen to other humans in universe.
Adds act to Human's doing list, and fires relevant listeners.
Removes act from Human's doing list, and fires relevant listeners.
Returns whether or not Human is doing given act.
A way of timing steps between several actions. Each object in the tasks array should have a timer value (the number of milliseconds since last step to wait before doing this step) and func (what to do during that step).
Slowly moves the point to the new value over the given time. This means that movement is fluid looking rather than robotic and jagged.
Tweens multiple points at once.
Moves given point to given coordinate. Moves 2 points to get position right (e.g. if moving rightWrist, rightElbow will also move).
Sets points values back to default.